Why Choose Formosa Gardens Estates?
Formosa Gardens Estates is unique. If you click on any of the images below you can see examples of sub-divisions.
Formosa Gardens Estates is the only sub-division available for short term rental that has homes built on large lot sizes (at least 1/3rd of an acre), providing tranquillity on your pool deck at the end of a busy day in the parks. It is also just two miles (about 5 minutes) from Disney.
Rolling Hills and Indian Creek are two sub-divisions very close to Formosa Gardens Estates, but the homes on these sub-divisions are on much smaller lot sizes.
New developments on the US-27: There are at least a dozen sub-divisions on the US 27 all built on small lot sizes. The two examples here have been chosen at random. These communities are much further away from Disney (at least 15-20 minutes without traffic) and these homes are built on much smaller lot sizes.
For a full overview of Formosa Gardens Estates and all these developments, please click on the link below. Using your mouse, you can drag the cursor across the map and look at all the developments in the area.
The sub-division immediately visible on this page is
Formosa Gardens Estates
All images are provided courtesy of Google Maps and are (c) 2007 - Google Maps